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Original Designs

Inspirational Ideas

Creative Transformations

Original Designs

Inspirational Ideas

Creative Transformations

Original Designs

Inspirational Ideas

Creative Transformations

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May, 2020


There is no question that we are living in uncertain and worrying times. With many of us self-isolating, shielding or social distancing, such circumstances are unprecedented to say the least. Against this backdrop, having an outside space you can call your own is a real bonus, not only as a way of getting much needed fresh air and boosting your vitamin D levels, but also by helping to combat stress and stay physically active. If you're lucky enough to have a garden it's also the best way to stay safe outdoors by avoiding public spaces.

That said, if you can safely access the great outdoors (adhering to Government guidelines of course!) then there are some wonderful places delivering spring inspiration right now. We took a walk in an awesome bluebell wood on our doorstep the other day, marvelling at the swathes of colour and fragrance. It's times like these that these violet-blue little gems do much to lift our spirits. For more garden inspiration check out our web site's Lookbook page.